हिन्दी सिनेमा में काम करने वाले कलाकार जहां पुरी तरह से इंडस्ट्री के रंग में रच बस जाते है। वहीं बॉलीवुड में वर्षों से लेखक, निर्माता -निर्देशक और अभिनेत्री के तौर पर काम कर रही नेहा बंसल इंडस्ट्री के तौर तरीकों से बिल्कुल अलग है। बॉलीवुड में काम करने वाले कलाकार जहां दिन-रात पार्टी में […]
हुमा क़ुरैशी ने बैग्स के एक बड़े ब्रैण्ड मैगनोलिया के साथ जुड़कर उसके विज्ञापन को अंजाम दिया।
फैशन इंडस्ट्री के एक बड़े ब्रैण्ड मैगनोलिया बैग्स ने गुरुवार को फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री की टैलेंटेड अदाकारा हुमा क़ुरैशी के साथ अपने विज्ञापन की शूटिंग संपन्न की। ज़ूममंत्रा प्रोडक्शंस के साथ काम कर रहे निर्देशक कुमार सिद्धार्थ और अभिनेता/निर्देशक रोहित बोस रॉय ने इस विज्ञापन को संचालित किया और सफलतापूर्वक अंजाम दिया । विज्ञापन में हुमा […]
Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures
Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures Actress Model Archana Singh Rajput Gorgeous Pictures
Actress Twinkle Kapoor Sexy And Bold Photoshoot
Actress Twinkle Kapoor Latest Sexy And Bold Photoshoot Gallery Actress Twinkle Kapoor Latest Sexy And Bold Photoshoot Gallery
Tripti Shukla Is A Successful Actress And Model Of Bollywood
Tripti Shukla is a successful actress and model. Born in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh and a resident in Mumbai, Tripti was fond of acting since childhood. Her family also got full support in fulfilling her dreams. From a very young age, Tripti started working in the acting world, but along with acting, she is also completing […]
Actress Nikitaa Chakraborty Is A Big Fan Of Mithun Chakraborty
Actress Nikitaa Chakraborty has been working in Bollywood since a long time. She has spread the magic of her art in many films, television, theater and advertising world and is still acting today. Nikitaa Chakraborty was born in Kolkata and her education was also done in Kolkata. But his workplace is Mumbai. Her mother used […]
Neha Bansal Will Be Honored With The World Meet International Award 2023
Bollywood actress Neha Bansal will be honored at the World Meet International Award 2023 to be held in Thailand in the month of September. Neha Bansal is a well-known Bollywood actress, producer, director and writer. Neha Bansal has produced and directed several films and short films Actress Neha Bansal’s short film ‘Respect Her’ has received […]
Monisha Isaac Was Associated With Asmita Theater Delhi Where She Performed More Than Thousand Street Plays And Stage Plays
Monisha Isaac, who belongs from Dharmanagari Prayagraj and works as an actor in Mayanagari Mumbai, is proficient in every color of art. She has done her schooling from st. Mary’s convent and post graduation in biotechnology (Genomics and proteomics ) from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh and is further pursuing PhD in Bioinformatics. Monisha was an assistant […]
कुँवारी अभिनेत्री पूनम झावर अपनी अदाओं से दर्शकों को करेंगी मंत्रमुग्ध
बॉलीवुड में एक ऐसी कलाकार आयी, जिन्होंने अपनी खूबसूरती और अद्वितीय कला के दम पर अपनी पहचान बनाई। पूनम झावर को ‘ओ माय गॉड’ फेम अभिनेत्री के रूप में पहचाना जा रहा है क्योंकि अक्षय कुमार अभिनीत इस फिल्म में उन्होंने एक महत्वपूर्ण किरदार निभाई थी। तो वहीं सुपरहिट फिल्म ‘मोहरा’ में सुनील शेट्टी के […]
Neha Bansal’s Film FART FATA FAT – Evolution Of Think Got Thumbs Up From Censor Board And Successfully Received U Certificate As Censor Board Truly Loved This Concept
After Akshay Kumar’s Padman, ‘Fart Fata Fat – Evolution of think’, a film based on the problems of women.Usually when films are struggling to get U/A these days, not only this film got a U certificate from the censor board. Rather, the members of the Censor Board have also appreciated the film a lot and […]
Ragini K Singh Receives The Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Award For Best Designer Of The Year
At a grand ceremony held at Hyatt Centric, Juhu, Mumbai Fashion designer Ragini Singh was honored with the Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Awards 2023. She got this honor for Best Designer of the Year and she is very excited and proud to have received this honour. Let us tell you that Bollywood’s famous fashion designer […]
मॉडल एक्टर गीतिका आर्य जल्दी ही करेंगी बड़ी फिल्म मे काम ।
मॉडलिंग की दुनिया में काफी नाम कमाने के बाद गीतिका आर्य अब जल्दी ही बड़ी फिल्मो मे काम करेंगी अभी हाल में ही राजस्थान में भी इन्होंने शूट किया है गीतिका इससे पहले बहुत सारे ख़िताब अपने नाम कर चुकी हैं मिस उत्तराखण्ड से लेकर और भी बहुत सारे शो मे मॉडलिंग मे भाग लेकर […]
Assam Origin Girl Bhoomika Kalita Is Ready To Make Her Lead Appearance In Ana
Bhoomika Kalita’s dream Project ANA to thrive in Hollywood now; Collaborations at global level Bhoomika Kalita who comes from Guwahati Assam is said to be the new face of bollywood upcoming lead actress in the film “ANA”, collaboration project of a Hollywood Based company UVT STUDIO USA founded by Mr. Ashok Khullar and Bollywood company […]
Meghali Juvekar Honored As A Special Guest For Sushma Swaraj Award On International Women’s Day In Nandura Buldhana
Meghali Juvekar, the talented actress who rose to fame with her exceptional performance as Sumati in the popular daily soap ‘Gatha Navnathanchi’ on Sony Marathi channel, was invited as a special guest for the Sushma Swaraj Award ceremony on International Women’s Day at Nandura, Buldhana. The Sushma Swaraj Award ceremony, named after the late Indian […]
टैलेंट का पावर पैक – सृष्टि मुनका
हम सभी ने ज़िन्दगी में कभी न कभी अभिनेता बनना चाहा है। फ़िल्मी दुनिया की रंगत ,बड़े बड़े सितारे , वहाँ की रौनक इन् सभी चीजों से हमे भी रूबरू होने की इच्छा हुई लेकिन फिर उम्र के साथ यह सब कुछ पीछे छूट गया और हम सभी अपने अपने जीवन में व्यस्त हो गये। […]
स्वीटी छाबड़ा ने मुम्बई में उत्तर भारतीय और कोली समाज को एक मंच पर लाने का किया सराहनीय कार्य
मुम्बई कोली सी फ़ूड फेस्टिवल के उद्घाटन समारोह में वर्सोवा की एमएलए भारती लव्हेकर मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में रहीं उपस्थित भोजपुरी फिल्मों की सुपरस्टार अभिनेत्री और भाजपा की स्टार प्रचारक स्वीटी छाबड़ा ने मुम्बई में उत्तर भारतीय समाज और कोली समाज को एक मंच पर लाने का सराहनीय कार्य किया है। वेसावा कोली महिला […]
खाकी वर्दी में वायरल हुआ भोजपुरी मर्दानी यामिनी सिंह का फोटो
खेसारी लाल यादव की हीरोइन यामिनी सिंह बनी आईपीएस, अब कुछ भी नहीं होगा अवैध रानी मुखर्जी के बाद भोजपुरी में मर्दानी के किरदार में यामिनी सिंह नजर आ रही है जिनका खाकी वर्दी में फोटो खूब वायरल हो रहा है। इस फोटो में यामिनी सिंह एक कड़क आईपीएस ऑफिसर की भूमिका में दिख रही […]
OPERATION MAYFAIR Star Anjali Sharma Gives A Sneak Peek Of Her Character Melinda Check It Out
Actress Anjali Sharma, who is making her BIG Bollywood debut, gave a sneak peek of her character ‘Melinda’ from the Bollywood movie ‘Operation Mayfair’ on March 20. The diva shared couple of pictures from the sets of the movie and wrote “Pehli film ka pehla din” Can’t wait for you guys to meet Melinda! #operationmayfair […]
Shahen Khan’s Spectacular Beach Holiday – Walking Reeling And Enjoying To The Fullest
Shahen Khan is a well-known actress in the Indian film industry who has gained a lot of fame and popularity over the years. With her talent and gorgeous looks, she has won the hearts of millions of fans around the globe. With a massive social media following, Shahen Khan keeps her fans updated on her […]
भागलपुर की माही श्रीवास्तव ने भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में जमाया सिक्का
भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में बिहार के भागलपुर की बेटी धमाल मचा रही है। इन्होंने बहुत ही कम समय में इंडस्ट्री अपनी एक खास पहचान बना ली है। ये आज के समय की सबसे ज्यादा व्यस्त अभिनेत्रियों में से एक है। अब आप सोच रहे होंगे कि हम किस अभिनेत्री की बात कर रहे हैं। तो चलिए […]
TV Actress Akshita Sethi Hot Photoshoot Surfaced Online
Actress Akshita Sethi, who is best known for her roles in popular TV shows and films, is making waves in the Indian entertainment industry. With a career spanning over five years, Akshita has worked in several TV serials and films, and has made a name for herself as a versatile actor. Some of Akshita’s notable […]
ब्लॉकबस्टर हीरोइन स्वीटी छाबड़ा की भोजपुरिया स्टाइल की होली पार्टी में लगा सेलेब्रिटीज़ का मेला
भोजपुरी सिनेमा की ब्लॉकबस्टर अभिनेत्री स्वीटी छाबड़ा ने मुम्बई में शानदार होली मिलन समारोह का आयोजन किया और यह होली पार्टी एक यादगार जश्न में बदल गई। यहां टीवी और फ़िल्म जगत की कई सेलेब्रिटीज़ ने जमकर होली खेली और खूब मस्ती की। सभी मेहमानों ने स्वीटी छाबड़ा को होली की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं दीं […]
Jaswinder Gardner Actress – Model – Celebrity Designer Transforming The Generation Next Actors
Mumbai (Maharashtra) India : This International Women’s Day will be a historic moment for model & actress Jaswinder Gardner (maiden name: Jaswinder Sachdev) who is balancing entrepreneurship with her active acting career. Indeed, she has been able to take up all the challenges that have come her way gracefully. Rising upwards with every step she […]
Hot Model Actress Srishti Sharrma Wishes Every Womens Happy Women’s Day
Srishti Sharma after many succesful released Bollywood and regional Films & Albums Srishti Sharma Says : as I have fully prepared myself for it. I have few offers, which I am considering minutely. Shortly a big announcement & launching event is to be held with Big Bang & Bash. I was born at Delhi, on […]
Indian Model Actress Srishti Sharma Her Latest Photo Shoot
Srishti Sharma after succesful released Bollywood and regional Films & Albums Srishti Sharma Says : as I have fully prepared myself for it. I have few offers, which I am considering minutely. Shortly a big announcement & launching event is to be held with Big Bang & Bash. I was born at Delhi, on 16 […]
Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar Joins The Judging Panel For Pune’s Most Awaited Fashion Event Style Icon 2023 Grand Finale Season 8
Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar joins the judging panel for Pune’s most awaited fashion event Style Icon 2023 Grand Finale Season 8 alongside actress Minissha Lamba & actor Karan Mehra .The Show Director Sandeep Dharma & Phoenix marke tcity Pune put together an excellent show. Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar Joins The Judging Panel For Pune’s Most Awaited Fashion […]
Nikita Rawal Presents Shy Shy Dil Teaser Out Now – Hot And Sensational
Nikita Rawal, a well-known name in the entertainment industry, presents her latest musical endeavor, Shy Shy Dil. The teaser is a real tease as it leaves us wanting more of the steamy looks from the actress. Nikita Rawal looks utterly gorgeous in the seductive yellow dress. She has definitely brought to us an amazing hot […]
Shilpa Choudhary Is All Set To Make A Grand Entry In Bollywood After Worked In Ad World
Artists moving from the ad world to the Bollywood world have carved a niche for themselves in the industry. Very beautiful and cute looking Shilpa Choudhary has worked in a few ad films, web series and music videos and is now ready to enter the corridors of Bollywood. Shilpa Choudhary’s eyes speak volumes. She has […]
Actress Rima Guha Thakurta Welknown Name In Bengali Films And Webseries Enters Mayanagari
Bengal’s famous model and film actress Rima Guha Thakurta is going to step into Bollywood soon. Along with acting, Rima is also a dance music connoisseur and influencer. Rima has worked in modeling, webseries, ad films and Bengali films. Rima has a charming and talented personality. There was an artist hidden in her since childhood. […]
Reeva Chaudhary Has Many Ad Films In Which She Has Worked For Jewelry – Saree – Organic Food Etc
Reeva Chaudhary is as beautiful and playful as she is equally talented and charming personality. She started her career with modeling and advertising films. Has played an excellent role in the serial ‘Hamari Bahu Silk’ aired on Zee TV. Reeva is born in kolkata and has a strong attachment to her native land. She is […]
कनीशा फिल्म्स के बैनर तले बनने वाले बिग बजट वीडियो सांग ” धुँआ धुँआ ” का चेहरा बनीं आश्रम फेम ” त्रिधा चौधरी “
निर्देशक प्रकाश झा की चर्चित वेब सीरीज आश्रम में अपने बोल्ड लुक और अभिनय से सुर्खियां बटोरने वाली त्रिधा चौधरी जल्द ही एक बिग बजट म्युज़िक वीडियो धुआं धुआं में नजर आएंगी। धुआं धुआं सॉन्ग के निर्माता विनोद पालीवाल, अनवर शेख और सह निर्माता वृंदा भंडारी ने आज मुम्बई, जुहू के पांच सितारा होटल सी […]
Aasma Syed Has The Distinction Of Working With Many Well-Known Personalities In The Hindi Films And TV Industry
Actress Aasma Syed is a multi-talented person. She is proficient in every form of sports, dance, acting or art. She is also known by the name of Aasma Ali. Aasma was born in Mumbai and completed her schooling from Cambridge Mumbai. She completed her graduation from Kishore Sanghvi College of Commerce and Economics. From the […]
Actress Rianna Ray Has The Distinction Of Working In Hindi And Regional Films
Rianna has worked in television shows. Also acted in the Bengali film ‘Bujhena Tu Bujhena’. Along with acting, she is also doing modeling. She was exposed to film or television as a child. Loved watching and copying and mimicking the acting of the artists. She acted for the first time when she was in class […]
Kavya Keeran Welcomed The New Year 2023 with Her Close Friends
As 2022 is winding up, Bollywood is looking welcome in 2023 with lots of positivity and optimism. And actress Kavya Keeran is symbolic of the word positivity and optimism. The actress had a fantastic 2022 and she remained in the limelight for most parts of it. She even won the audience’s support for her work. […]
Anjali Sharma Talented Actress And Model
I am Anjali Sharma an Indian artist I am 21 years old and my height is 5″5 and I have done many ramp shows and I have done many ad films digital also And some web series and movies have also been done and I am going to do good work in future, some upcoming […]
Neekita Sharma Rajpurohit Hails From Kota Rajasthan And Worked In Many Cities Like Delhi – Mumbai – Katra And Indore
Neekita Sharma Rajpurohit participated in fashion shows and ramp walks in metropolitan cities. She was awarded the Darpan Face of India Award at the Fashion Show in Indore. Along with that, she has also received ITIA Award. Gradually she got a chance to enter the world of acting. Her web series ‘Badla’ is going to […]
Nikita Sharma Rajpurohit Hails From Kota Rajasthan And Worked In Many Cities Like Delhi – Mumbai – Katra And Indore
Nikita Sharma Rajpurohit participated in fashion shows and ramp walks in metropolitan cities. She was awarded the Darpan Face of India Award at the Fashion Show in Indore. Along with that, she has also received ITIA Award. Gradually she got a chance to enter the world of acting. Her web series ‘Badla’ is going to […]
Actress Ritika Pandey Is Eager To Showcase Her Acting Skills In Big Banner Films With Renowned Film Directors
Popular model in Bollywood, Ritika Pandey is all set to debut in Bollywood after showcasing her talent and skills in the field of modeling and in South films. His film is going to be announced very soon under a big banner. Budding cheerful bindass actress Ritika, who wants to play all kinds of roles, considers […]
Gahna Wadhwa Actress All Set To Enter Bollywood
The Bollywood industry is currently at a stage where the industry at large is very welcoming to new faces. Since the entertainment industry has gone through a revolution so the filmmakers and the audience are very much eager to experience the kind of content they want to create and watch. In recent years, several new […]
अनुष्का चौहान – बचपन में देखा सपना आज सच होता दिख रहा है
कानपुर में रहकर कई सीरियल, वेब सीरीज और गीतों में छोटा मोटा किरदार निभाया लेकिन इन आँखों में सपना कुछ बड़ा करने का था और अब वो सपना सच होता दिखाई पड़ रहा है। यह कहना है मॉडल व अभिनेत्री अनुष्का चौहान का अनुष्का का जन्म 14 अप्रेल 2002 को कानपुर में हुआ है दिल्ली […]
Liza Singh Is Not Just Another Newcomer Actress On Bollywood Block
A fantastic actress, model and an amazing actress, Liza Singh is here to stay in Bollywood. She’s also a sportsperson who will now represent Kolkata in next year’s gun shooting competition. The other night Liza has a royal entry at the star-studded Society Awards. Incidentally, the pretty and very talented Liza was the lead actress […]
Actress Khushi Mukherjee Had A Simple Yet Footapping Birthday Celebration In Mumbai
Actress Khushi Mukherjee had a simple yet footapping birthday celebration with her family and close friends at the Bombay Adda. The celebration also marked the launch of Khushi Mukherjee Entertainment. Here are a few glimpses… Actress Khushi Mukherjee Had A Simple Yet Footapping Birthday Celebration In Mumbai
Actress Tanuja Chadha Has Many Successfully Hindi & Bhojpuri Released Films To Her Credit
Mumbai – Janmabhoomi Delhi and Karmabhoomi Mumbai is of actress Tanuja Chadha. Navaras are included inside every human being, the expression of these Navaras is acting. The one who has refined his acting emerges as the star of Mayanagari Bollywood. That’s how Tanuja came to Mumbai to enhance her acting skills and try her luck. […]
Actress Pratishtha Shrivastava Has Worked In Many TV Shows And Web Series
Pratishtha Srivastava is another talented actress from Bhopal who is making a name for herself in the Bollywood industry. Today, she is slowly but surely becoming a familiar face. A daughter of Rajesh Shrivastava and Rajni Shrivastava, Pratishtha has no industry connections and didn’t inherit anything. Let’s get to know more about Pratishtha Shrivastava, she […]
Actress Maahi Khan Wants To Continue Working Like Amitabh Bachchanji Throughout Her Life
No matter how many difficulties you face in life, do not give up. Maahi Khan moved to Mumbai from Meerut to give flight to her dreams. Wanting to become a great artist, she learned acting in theatre, learned dance from many good choreographers like Shamak Davar, learned horse riding and bike riding and then stepped […]
Alluring Pictures Of OPERATION MAYFAIR Star Anjali Sharma
Actress Anjali Sharma has completed the filming of the Bollywood film ‘Operation Mayfair’, in the multi-starrer she will be seen with Jimmy Shergill, Ankur Bhatia, Vedika Dutt and Hritiqa Chheber. Shot in some of the picturesque locations in London, the movie is expected to release in February 2023. The diva is making her debut with […]
Sheetal Kale Actress Of Rare Acting Calibre Enjoys Portraying Different Characters In Films
Mumbai-based actress Sheetal Kale, who gives flight to dreams, will soon be seen in ‘Taali’, a biopic on transgender Mr. Gauri Sawant. Actress and former Miss Universe Miss World Sushmita Sen is playing Gauri Sawant’s character in this film which is an emotional and society mirroring film. At the same time, Sheetal Kale is playing […]
Smrity Sinha Shines In Times Group’s Fashion Show Held In Mumbai
Actress Smrity Sinha dazzled in a fashion show presented by The Times of India Group. This event named “Pillars of Humanity” took place at St. Regis Hotel in Mumbai recently. The special highlight of the event was Smrity Sinha as she is the only actress in the Bhojpuri industry to make her path on the […]